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Welcome to the Mathematics Department at UCS, where we nurture critical thinkers and problem solvers. Our comprehensive curriculum is designed to inspire a love for mathematics and equip students with essential skills for their future.

Curriculum Overview

A Level Mathematics separates Mathematics into three strands, Pure, Mechanics and Statistics. It provides the opportunity to develop skills in problem solving, logic and statistics, unlocking the key skills learners will need to progress to degree courses.
Core Maths is equivalent to an AS level, which develops skills in statistics and data skills. These transferrable skills support the course content in the health, engineering, and science qualifications UCS offers. 

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Teaching Maths

"Quality First Teaching" underpins our approach, ensuring lessons are engaging, inclusive, and tailored to foster deep understanding across all key stages.

Academic Structure

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Support and Intervention

We employ diagnostic tools and targeted support sessions to enhance learning, ensuring every student achieves their potential.


Learning and Progression

Our curriculum builds on prior knowledge, emphasizing fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving, preparing students for advanced studies and challenges.


Assessment and Feedback

Through a blend of formative and summative assessments, we provide timely feedback, guiding students towards academic excellence.

Additional Resources

Explore further with links to the National Curriculum, White Rose Maths, and other enriching materials.

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