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Academic Information

Welcome to our Academic Information section, where parents and students can explore the rich educational landscape of our school. Here, you'll find comprehensive insights into our curriculum, teaching methods, and the diverse learning experiences we offer. This section is your gateway to understanding how we nurture intellectual curiosity and academic excellence, preparing our students for a bright and successful future. Dive in to see how our school is the perfect fit for your child's educational journey.

Modern Architecture


Term Dates

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Pupil Premium & 16-19 Tuition Funding

Pupil Premium at UCS focuses on providing essential support and enriching experiences to ensure every child, regardless of background, thrives academically and personally. We emphasize 'Quality First Teaching' and a rich curriculum, supplemented by the UCS Unlocks programme, after-school clubs, and targeted interventions. During challenging times, we've bolstered support with in-school education, regular parent contact, and essential resources like food parcels and digital tools. Our commitment extends to fostering emotional well-being and bridging the attainment gap, ensuring every child, especially those facing disadvantages, has the opportunity to excel. Discover our comprehensive approach in our policy below.

Uniform & Equipment List

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Exams &

On The Rise

The school’s performance data has been on an upward trend since 2017 and the most recent results were incredibly positive. The percentage of students achieving English and Maths has been increasing steadily with 75% of students gaining their English and Maths GCSEs in 2021.


The Value Added for our sixth form students was +0.49 – meaning students studying with us did on average half a grade better than in similar establishments – which placed our school within the top 1% of sixth form institutes in the country (in 2019 before exams were replaced with CAG/TAG). This led to our sixth form being presented with an award for Outstanding Pupil Progress from the SSAT (The schools, students and teachers’ network)


Assessment at UCS involves checking that our students have learned what teachers and leaders need them to learn. The purpose of our assessment processes is to:


  • Diagnose how well students are performing at the point they are at in the curriculum.

  • Be a procedure for making inferences about the ideas, concepts, skills and competencies that students have acquired from a scheme of learning/specification.

  • Provide evidence that allow us to make a reliable judgment about student attainment.

  • Allow us to, as precisely as we can, forecast likely student outcomes at KS4/KS5. This means we can identify learning gaps efficiently to support student progression into KS4/KS5.


We use two main assessment processes to improve learning:


Formative, in class, minute by minute, responsive assessment such as questioning, low stakes quizzing, retrieval practice etc…

Key Assessment Pieces that take place during or at the end of a topic, through a mock exam or an end of year assessment.


One of the processes involved in Key Assessment Pieces is for teachers to go through a ‘question level analysis’ process to diagnose misconceptions and gaps in knowledge and in turn, improve the learner. Feedback for students is part of the teaching and learning process and following this, students may then be re-tested to demonstrate learning.

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Welcome to our RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) & PHSE (Personal, Health, Social, and Economic Education) section. Here, parents can find valuable information on how we support students in understanding and managing their personal and social development. This section offers insights into our comprehensive curriculum designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills they need for healthy, respectful relationships, and a well-rounded personal well-being. Explore how we prepare our students to make informed, responsible decisions as they grow and navigate the complexities of the world around them.

British Values

At UCS, we are dedicated to actively promoting the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for different faiths and beliefs. These principles are woven throughout our curriculum, particularly through our innovative Elements Curriculum Offer, and are a focal point in all our assemblies, ensuring impartiality and inclusivity.

Our commitment extends beyond curriculum integration; we invest in continuous professional development for our teachers, empowering them to embed British Values in their teaching strategies. Each week, our students engage in registration sessions and assemblies centered around themes that reinforce these values, alongside topics in RSE and PHSE, fostering a well-rounded, respectful, and informed student community.

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Society with equal rights, including fair and free electoral participation.


Rule of Law

Laws ensure a safe, happy environment, protecting rights at all levels.


Individual Liberty

Live freely within the law, making choices and understanding their outcomes.


Mutual Respect

Respect individual dignity, understanding our actions impact everyone's rights.



Respect and tolerate diverse faiths and beliefs, ensuring equality for all.

If you have any queries about examinations, results or certificates please contact us


01204 928700



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